Announcing Board Positions: Incoming Members of MMEA BOD
- Meet Incoming Board President Elect: Nicole Thietje
- Meet Incoming Co-Band VP*: Jonathon Knutson
- *The board plans to appoint Jonathon Knutson to the position of Band VP to serve with current Band VP Andy DeLuca based on his extension of term due to no candidate for the position in 2024 elections.
- Director-Elect representing – Northwest (Electing Director-Elect for one training year followed by two voting years – Currently being served by Gunnar Aas as voting member)
- Meet Incoming Northwest RR-Elect: Christopher Barnes
- Director representing – Northeast (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Meet Incoming Northeast RR: Iris Kolodji
- Director representing – Northeast (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Director representing – Central (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Meet Incoming Central RR: Kelly Taylor
- Director representing – Central (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Director representing – Southwest (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Meet Incoming Southwest RR: John Pohland
- John Pohland’s location is on the border between Southeast and Southwest regions, and he has agreed to represent Southwest.
- Meet Incoming Southwest RR: John Pohland
- Director representing – Southwest (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Director representing – Southeast (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Meet Incoming Southeast RR: Melanie Sheridan
- Director representing – Southeast (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Director-Elect representing – Twin Cities Loop (Electing Director-Elect for one training year followed by two voting years -Currently being served by Rachel Gorden Mercer and Eric Songer)
- Meet Incoming TC Loop RR-Elect: Natalia Romero Arbeláez
- Director-Elect representing – Twin Cities Loop (Electing Director-Elect for one training year followed by two voting years -Currently being served by Rachel Gorden Mercer and Eric Songer)
- Director representing – Twin Cities Central (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
- Meet Incoming TC Central RR: Kimberly Keaton
- Director representing – Twin Cities Central (3 year voting term due to end of service term)
General Responsibilities of Board Service
Responsibilities include partnering with the other Board members, the Executive Board, and the Executive Director. Every member of the Board of Directors is responsible for leading the organization and representing the mission of MMEA – to develop, promote, and support equitable and comprehensive music learning and teaching in Minnesota.
Board members should:
Attend FOUR board meetings annually, typically a Saturday from 8am-12pm with dates released at the start of each year;
make every effort to attend occasional shorter special board meetings when called to address urgent business between regular meetings;
attend and support with volunteerism the annual Midwinter Convention every February;
carry out duties related to the specific board position for which you will serve;
check MMEA email weekly to respond to issues requiring feedback or calls to action;
review materials for board meetings and committee meetings and attend prepared to actively participate;
and, COMMUNICATE regarding project responsibilities – ask for help when needed and provide help when able.
Looking Ahead: Elections January 2026
Current Board Leadership and Executive Director Jerri Neddermeyer would like to challenge each of you to get involved in the leadership of our statewide organization. Use your voice and experience to narrow bias in our collective decision making. Participate in and GUIDE important conversations on the future of the profession and music education in Minnesota. Be a part of our growing organization at a time of critical change for the benefit of all students and music educators. If you know someone who would be great, please recruit them with a phone call and follow up to encourage them to apply. If you are interested, apply ONLINE by November 2, 2025. Interested candidates may apply for more than one position. Candidates will rank positions in order of preference, and voting by membership is additionally by ranked choice to be sure that all votes are counted in the event a candidate is NOT viable for any position. MMEA is currently seeking applications for the following positions:
- Vice Presidents: Election 2026 will be for a full class of VP-elects with program focus defined below, and will serve one year as mentees to the existing elected VPs followed by a two-year term as voting members of the board. The total term commitment is three years.
- Elementary Classroom VP-Elect: plan Elementary All-Star Choir, support elementary educator sessions at Midwinter Convention, represent elementary education interests in Board discussion, advocacy for elementary learners
- Middle-Secondary Level Classroom VP-Elect: support for reinstatement of mid level festivals with ensemble VP, support general music sessions for mid and secondary level educators at Midwinter Convention, represent mid-sec general music education interests in Board discussion, advocacy for mid and secondary level learners
- Middle-Secondary Ensemble+ VP-Elect: develop programming for ensembles outside of the band/choir/orchestra/jazz canon for mid and secondary students (ensembles for guitar, extended or flexible instrumentation, modern band, global ensemble), support sessions for ensembles outside of the band/choir/orchestra/jazz canon for mid and secondary level educators at Midwinter Convention, represent such ensembles in Board discussion, advocacy for ensembles outside of the traditional classical standard
- Band VP-Elect: plan for All-State Band programming (auditions, camps, Midwinter performances), plan for potential reinstatement of mid-level festivals, represent band for all age levels as well as pedagogy for woodwinds/brass/percussion in Board discussion, advocacy for band
- Choir VP-Elect: plan for All-State Choir programming (auditions, camps, Midwinter performances), plan for potential reinstatement of mid-level festivals, represent choir for all age levels as well as vocal development in Board discussion, advocacy for choral programming
- Jazz VP-Elect: plan for All-State Jazz programming (auditions, camps, Midwinter performances), plan for potential reinstatement of mid-level festivals, represent jazz for all age levels and in all settings (instrumental, vocal, large ensemble, combo) in Board discussion, advocacy for jazz programming
- Orchestra VP-Elect: plan for All-State Orchestra programming (auditions, camps, Midwinter performances), plan for potential reinstatement of mid-level festivals, represent orchestral ensembles for all age levels as well as string pedagogy in Board discussion, advocacy for string programming
- College Chapters VP-Elect: develop programming for students of music and music education at the collegiate level, support sessions for collegiate students at Midwinter Convention, coordinate volunteerism by collegiate chapters for MMEA
- September 22, 2025 – Email to members / Social media posts begin
- September 22 – November 2, 2025: Application Link Here When Open
- December 4, 2025 at 7pm: Zoom “Town Hall” event with candidates
- Zoom Link Here
- Meeting ID: 851 2650 2750
- Passcode: 422565
- January 9-18, 2026: Voting is open! (voting is open to all MMEA members in good standing on December 31, 2025. Please make sure your dues are up-to-date.)
- February 2, 2026: Election results announced
- NOTE: All applicants need a google email to submit the attachments if interested. Google emails are free and easy to make. This allows for automation of election materials and reduces the administrative work required by MMEA. Thanks for helping us become a lean, efficient organization.
- Headshot (quality jpeg please)
- Brief bio (500 words maximum)
- Statement of interest in the position(s) (500 words maximum for each position)
Additional Information:
Elections take place annually in January for openings on the MMEA Board of Directors. Regional representation restructure 2025 with supporting by-law revisions were approved by membership vote in October 2024. Please review the following information about MMEA.
- Board Leadership Structure (rev. 01.20.2025)
- MMEA Staggered Terms for Board Service (rev. 01.20.2025)
- MMEA Bylaws Revision 2025
- MMEA Region Redraw 2025
- MMEA Region Map (Effective January 2025)
- Board meeting dates for 2025 (8am-12pm held virtually):
- January 11, 2025
- March 8, 2025 – Install New Board members and Annual Membership Meeting
- May 17, 2025
- September 6, 2025
- Board meeting dates for 2026 (8am-12pm held virtually):
- January 10, 2026
- February 12-14, 2026 (Midwinter Convention)
- March 14, 2026 – Install New Board members and Annual Membership Meeting
- May 16, 2026
- September 12, 2026
Email: or for help.