Executive Director’s Statement
In recent years, arts and education sectors have been increasingly confronted with allegations of sexual misconduct, demanding light be shed on this inadequately addressed issue. Stories of abuse and exploitation have sparked the need for broad conversations about power dynamics, accountability, and the urgent need for systemic change. It is beyond time to acknowledge that our community within the Minnesota Music Educators Association is not immune to these issues, and it is our responsibility to create a safe and respectful environment for learning.
I want to emphasize that our profession is not just a job; it is a calling, one that countless dedicated teachers fulfill with selflessness and integrity. However, allegations of misconduct, whether founded or not, cast a shadow with ramifications beyond the truth. The legal requirements for prosecution, coupled with the daunting task for victims to pursue justice, create a complex terrain where the accused benefit from legal protection. This places a heavy burden on victims, compounding their trauma.
As an association that ultimately serves students, MMEA must commit to taking allegations of sexual misconduct seriously. As professionals, we must uphold a higher standard than mere adherence to the law. It is essential to safeguard the integrity of our profession and maintain the trust students place in their teachers and mentors. Abuse of power, especially when adults exploit minors, is reprehensible. We cannot turn a blind eye to boundary violations and must confront such misconduct directly and as proactively as possible.
In my role as Executive Director, I am dedicated to educating our Executive Team and Board on matters of sexual misconduct. This involves creating comprehensive initiatives that include no touch policy, intimacy training, boundary enforcement, enhanced support systems for educators, and student education to promote reporting safely. We will develop and implement these initiatives collaboratively, ensuring that they are effective and sustainable.
This is the beginning of the public work by MMEA to address sexual misconduct in our community of Music Education. We will:
- Acknowledge directly that sexual misconduct is unacceptable;
- Learn to identify signs of boundary violations in ourselves and others;
- Study and profile the systems in place that may allow for boundary abuses;
- Inform best practices for educators including no touch policy and intimacy training;
- And train educators and students on how to speak up and report misconduct.
Evaluation metrics must be applied to all initiatives to allow us to measure our success and make necessary adjustments to our strategies. Communication with the music education community is also crucial to ensure that our efforts foster an environment where voices are heard, and solutions are developed collaboratively. By taking these steps, we can ensure that sexual misconduct does not occur within our community. Together, we can uphold the highest standards of integrity and trust, protecting the well-being of our students and the reputation of our profession.

Jerri Neddermeyer, Executive Director of MMEA
From 2024 President, Dr. Adrian K. Davis
MMEA believes in physical, mental, and socio-emotional care. Although our collective backgrounds are widely diverse, care is a commonality in which our association stands firm. I fully support the ideals and vision shared through the words of MMEA’s Executive Director, Jerri Neddermeyer. I am also grateful for her courageous and proactive leadership on the issue of sexual misconduct in arts education.
There is no place for this behavior ANYWHERE, especially in the field of education. The conversation around this subject matter is a great opportunity for MMEA to lead other music and arts organizations, as well as continue our collective journey of understanding. The next steps outlined by our Executive Director are great starting points in guiding MMEA in an accountable direction, while being true to the ethics of care in our profession, and honorable in upholding
MMEA’s mission and vision.

From 2024 President Elect, Dr. Karen Howard
I am in full support of doing all that we can to bring more awareness to this crisis in our profession, and to do the work to stop these harmful individuals before they target students. There is no room in our organization for predatory behavior, nor should there be anywhere else. Students’ well-being should be at the forefront of all of our endeavors.

From 2024 Past President, Anthony Boldt
As current Past-President of MMEA and as a board member since 2019, I fully support the sentiments expressed in this letter. Our profession, as educators, demands that we have the utmost respect, integrity and responsibility towards our students. As leaders within our profession, we have a duty to lead by example and to actively work diligently towards creating safe environments for all students. Misconduct cannot be taken lightly, and it is crucial for us to take allegations seriously and foster a culture in which there is never complacency around sexual misconduct. This means advocating for policies and practices that prioritize the protection of students above all else. I commend Jerri Neddermeyer and MMEA for taking steps towards implementing best practices and for fostering an environment that places student safety at the forefront. Together, we must ensure that the safety and well-being of our students remain our top priority.